Welcome to Highfield Hollow Farm
We are a small family farm that specializes in local honey and pastured lamb & goat kid meat. We practice sustainable agriculture and rotational grazing. Our farm is nestled between the apple orchards of Adams County, PA and has been in our family for over 50 years.
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks By Night
Shepherds play a big role in the Christmas Story. The gospel writers of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John had human guardians in mind. As did the English hymn writers who penned “While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks By Night.” Around here, we rely on the Great Pyrenees livestock guardian dogs to watch the flock at night.…
Lured with Promises of Sex & Food
Every fall the odor of sexual desire assaults the nose, rubs off on clothes, and cloys to the skin. The barnyard blushes with lusty pursuit. The ladies get sheared to fully expose their “naughty bits.” Rams get sheared and their hooves trimmed. Everyone has gotten extra grain and good pasture two weeks prior. Then, the…